I built, I sailed, I got slaughtered
I built, I sailed, I got slaughtered.
And again.
And again and again.
And again and again and again and again and again.
Newcomers to this game need not bother starting it -- there is no protection AT ALL from the vast number of established players who constantly attack lower-level arks indiscriminately and without provocation. Any resources that you collect will be stolen from you. Any troops that you train will be pulverized. It doesnt matter where you are on the map. It doesnt matter if youre part of a guild or not.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever." -- George Orwell, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"
In short, there is really no point in starting this game. Youll very quickly reach a point where you cant upgrade anything any more and youll be nothing but canon fodder.
The only positive thing that I can say about this game is that the artwork is pretty good.
Update 2016-02-18:
Two app updates later and theres still no way to stop high-level players from stomping repeatedly on low-level players.
kwoodman about
Ark of War: Aim for the cosmos, v0.0.6